
May 8, 2024

On March 15, the third day of the 5G Forum[1] was held in Madrid, a critical space for collaboration and the exchange of ideas, focused on the promotion of projects that facilitate the advancement of 5G networks and services by the City Council of Madrid. This meeting, part of the Madrid Digital Transformation Strategy[2], brought together experts, companies and municipal representatives to promote the development of 5G technology, key in the mobility, security and emergency sectors.

Through its 5G Agenda[3], Madrid highlights the city’s commitment not only to technological deployment, but also to the creation of an ecosystem that promotes innovation and cooperation between the different actors in the sector, consolidating its objective to become a reference Digital Hub.

Throughout this meeting, advances in active 5G corridors and demonstrators in the capital were highlighted, along with the associated smart urban spaces and potential use cases. These projects are being developed in several strategic locations, including the School of Telecommunications, the University Institute of Automobile Research and the CEDINT of the UPM, as well as in key urban areas such as Casa de Campo, Valdemingómez and Mercamadrid.

This event highlights the priority of the Madrid City Council to place the city on the frontier of technological innovation, aiming to improve the quality of life of its citizens and enhance its position in the global digital sphere. With initiatives such as the 5G Forum, Madrid takes a step forward towards a more connected and sustainable future.

You can download the full presentation here.

More details here.