Cybersecurity Group

The IoTMADLAB project Cybersecurity Team is made up of two teams, these are LabCiber-IoT and LabCiber-5G, specialized in IoT and 5G respectively.

The LabCiber-IoT team is made up of members of the Biometrics, Biosignals, Security and Smart Mobility Group (GB2S) of ETSI Telecomunicación (UPM).

Among the various lines of research of GB2S, we highlight those developed by LabCiber-IoT:

Cryptography (primitives, schemes and protocols)

Secure Identification

IoT Crypto Sensors and Devices


Carmen Sánchez Ávila

Directora GB2S ETSIT UPM

Vicente Jara Vera

Investigador GB2S ETSIT UPM

THE LabCiber-5G TEAM

Diego Rivera Pinto

Investigador del RSTI ETSI UPM

Sonia Solera Cotanilla

Investigadora del RSTI ETSI UPM

Work in the Laboratory

At IoTMADLab we actively collaborate with device manufacturers, whether isolated or integrated, communications hardware providers, service deployment experts, cybersecurity specialists and companies that offer services to the city.

If you are a company and would like to join our mission, we offer various collaboration modalities: from being an associated or collaborating company, to requesting specific reports on compatibility and interoperability.

Interested in collaborating with us? Please do not hesitate to contact us. We will be happy to provide you with further details.