Madrid City Council Awarded for its Smart City Project


28 September, 2023

The Madrid City Council has won the “Silver Seoul Smart City” award in the “Technological Innovation Project” category for the project “Madrid Data-Based, City Intelligence”. This award is granted by the World Organization of Sustainable and Smart Cities. Fernando de Pablo, general director of the Digital Office of the Madrid City Council, under the General Coordination of the City Hall, was responsible for receiving this acknowledgment.

“Madrid Data-Based, City Intelligence” is a comprehensive project in which all the Government areas of the City Council participate. Its goal is to achieve a hyper-connected city model that offers better service management with the aim of improving the well-being and quality of life of citizens. To do this, it uses platforms like MinT (Smart Madrid) or Madrid Mobile and initiatives like Govtech, the Madrid City Internet of Things Laboratory (IoTMadLab), smart urban spaces, and 5G corridors.

This project is framed within the digital transformation strategy “Madrid Digital Capital”, which has three strategic objectives: offering digital services for people, City Intelligence, and Digital Innovation Hub. It also focuses on economic and social development, the creation of innovation ecosystems, and the promotion of smart industries. All with the aim of reinforcing Madrid as a reference city to work, invest, study, visit, enjoy, and live.

Organized since 2011 every three years by the World Organization of Sustainable and Smart Cities, the Seoul Smart City Award recognizes and promotes smart initiatives that use information and communication technologies to improve the quality of life of citizens through two categories: Tech-InnovaCity Project and Human-CentriCity Project.