IoTMADLab awarded in the XVII edition of the Quality and Innovation in Public Management Awards.


The Ministry for Digital Transformation and Public Administration has awarded the runner-up prize for Innovation in Public Management to IoTMADLab for the practice “Towards Madrid, Digital Capital with IoTMADLAB”, as part of the 17th edition of the Quality and Innovation in Public Management Awards.

These awards are intended to recognize and reward organizations that have distinguished themselves in one of the following areas:
The excellence of their overall performance by comparison to recognized benchmark models.
Innovation in information and knowledge management and technology.

The quality and impact of the unique improvement initiatives implemented.
The Award for Innovation in Public Management is intended to recognize innovative practices in the provision of products or services, as well as initiatives that generate an organizational improvement or management processes.
The IoTMADLab continues to work in collaboration with the Digital Office of the Madrid City Council designing smart urban spaces to build an open, interoperable and cybersecure city, as set out in the Madrid Digital Capital strategy, which the City Council has defined to remain a benchmark city in the digital field, designed for all people and companies that are part of Madrid, for its neighborhoods and districts, and for the City Council itself, as a key driver of the digital transformation of the city. It has now extended its content and temporal scope, for the period 2024-2027.

The other award winners in this edition were the Directorate General for Citizen Services – Línea Madrid of the Madrid City Council, the Subdelegation of Defense in Burgos, the Center for Technological Development and Innovation (CDTI), the Directorate General of Traffic (DGT),, the State Meteorological Agency (AEMET), the Directorate General of the Civil Guard and the National Institute of Social Security (INSS). Congratulations to the other award-winning entities involved in digital transformation as an instrument that improves people’s well-being and quality of life.

With this type of collaboration, the Madrid City Council continues to promote the efforts framed in the Madrid Digital Capital strategy, to boost the innovative ecosystem of the city and the creation of digital solutions that improve the quality of life of citizens.

More information about the Madrid, Digital Capital Strategy here.

More information about the Digital Office here.