Kazakhstan delegation visits IoTMADLab to explore partnerships in the area of digital transformation


June 4, 2024

The IoTMADLab, formed by researchers fromCedint-UPM and the Digital Office of the Madrid City Council, received last Tuesday the visit of the Delegation of Kazakhstan to study possible collaborations in the area of digital transformation and exchange experiences in this field and the development of technological innovation.

The Kazakh delegation, headed by Mr. Danat Mussayev, Ambassador at the Embassy of Kazakhstan in Spain, the Minister of Digital Development, Innovation and Aerospace Industry of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Mr. Kanysh Tuleushin, Mr. Baurzhan Kankin, General Director of the Autonomous Cluster Fund “Park of Innovative Technologies” and Mr. Azamat Baimen, General Director of the Autonomous Cluster Fund “Park of Innovative Technologies” and Mr. Azamat Baimen, General Director of the Kazakhstan Innovation and Aerospace Industry of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Mr. Kanysh Tuleushin and Mr. Baurzhan Kankin. Azamat Baimen, General Director of JSC “National Information Technologies”, were able to learn first-hand about our laboratory facilities, the projects we are implementing and the main achievements of the Digital Transformation Strategy.

Among the advances that were presented to the Kazakh delegation were the Smart Urban Spaces, the #EUI, the #5GCorridors and the Digital Twin, thus demonstrating the commitment of the Digital Office of the Madrid City Council and CEDINT in its goal of building an open, interoperable and cybersecure city with a more efficient data-driven management.

Madrid has also been discussed as a Digital Innovation Hub, through its innovation centers promoted and driven by the Madrid City Council (Madrid Innova) and the Data Processing Centers located mostly within the city through the association Distrito Madbit.

The visit is part of the Asian country’s strategy to establish strong digital partnerships throughout Europe and reinforces the positioning of Madrid as a Hub and digital pole of attraction and retention of investment and talent.

Kazakhstan has experienced significant advances in digital and online services. In a recent interview with EFE, Mr. Kanysh Tuleushin, Minister of Digital Development, Innovation and Aerospace Industry of the Republic of Kazakhstan, pointed out that the country “has been ranked by the United Nations as the 28th country in terms of e-governance and 8th in the world in online services”. A reflection of Kazakhstan’s commitment to online services is that “almost 95% of government services are now provided online through mobile applications,” according to Tuleushin. On the other hand, its ICT exports have grown fivefold since 2019, from $30 million in exports to $545 million.