Management of elements related to urban mobility (e.g. SER, APR, ZBE, parking spaces, connected traffic lights, EMT, BiciMad)
Enhancing city mobility through real-time tracking and optimization of vehicles and traffic.
The Internet of Things (IoT) technology can be employed in various ways to improve urban mobility management. For instance, by optimizing vehicle flow through traffic light control, prioritizing public transport vehicles and emergency vehicles, and informing citizens about different mobility alternatives and their estimated travel times. Additionally, it can be used to promote safety on roads and intersections through real-time information and alerts.
Practical applications for this type of services
Devices and technologies for the following applications of this family of services will be validated in the laboratory.

Surface parking sensor
High-performance wireless sensor for vehicle detection in smart parking applications, using terrestrial magnetism and radiofrequency for maximum accuracy. Easily mountable on road surfaces, it has a battery life of up to 10 years. It features IP67 protection, making it resistant to adverse weather conditions and high mechanical demands Year of market release: More information

Smart parking node
The smart parking node detects status changes (available/occupied) and transmits the information to the LoRaWAN base station. The sent data is accessible from the Libelium Cloud platform. Year of market release: More information

Underground parking sensor
The Smart Parking Sensor B, designed for surface installation on roads, integrates with IPv6/6LoWPAN networks and offers up to 99.5% accuracy in vehicle detection with a battery life of up to 10 years. It is suitable for both covered and outdoor parking scenarios, including indoor and outdoor environments. Yerar of market release: More information
The IoT technology can be used in a wide range of smart city services to enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of municipal public services.