
Learn about the latest news from our laboratory

Foto grupal con los representantes de los socios del proyecto MOBILITIES FOR EU

Madrid hosts the kick-off meeting of the MOBILITIES FOR EU consortium

31 January, 2024 The IoTMADLab (led by CEDINT-UPM and the Digital Office of Madrid City Council) participates in the ‘New Mobility solutions for climate neutrality in EU Cities‘ initiative, along with the cities of Madrid and Dresden, as well as different partners from Spain, Germany, France, Switzerland, Finland, Poland, Greece, Slovenia, and Bosnia and Herzegovina. […]

Attendees to the First Workshop on Digital Transformation and Cybersecurity

Held the First Workshop on Digital Transformation and Cybersecurity

21 December 2023 The Madrid City Council organized on December 15 the First Workshop on Digital Transformation and Cybersecurity to present the results of the “Madrid, Digital Capital” initiative, aligned with national and international strategies. The event took place in the Pavilion of the Cecilio Rodríguez Gardens in Retiro and was attended by more than […]


Tender issued for the core of the network for the 5G Corridors

December 05, 2023 The 5G working group of IoTMADLab, led by the School of Telecommunication Engineering at the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, has announced a tender for the deployment of a private 5G STAND-ALONE network in the FR1 (<6GHz) and FR2 (26 GHz) bands. The tender, which falls within the scope of the agreement between […]

Seal of the certificate

Madrid: Climate Neutral and Smart Cities Mission

13 October, 2023 The City Council of Madrid has been recognized by the Directorate-General for the Environment of the European Commission for its outstanding climate commitment. The city has reached a crucial milestone by receiving the “Climate City Contract” (CCC), a fundamental step in its participation in the Mission of Climate-Neutral and Smart Cities. This […]

El Laboratorio

Madrid City’s IoT Laboratory a finalist in the ENERTIC awards (Smart Cities category)

6 October, 2023 The IoTMadLab of Madrid City is a finalist in the 11th edition of the enerTIC Awards, in the Smart Cities category, with the project “Madrid City’s IoT Laboratory as a lever for the Twin Transition.” This initiative, driven by the enerTIC platform, allows for the identification, awarding, and dissemination of success stories […]

El Laboratorio

IoT Laboratory City of Madrid introduces itself to the companies of the Business Forum for Madrid

20 September, 2023 The IoT Laboratory City of Madrid was established on July 1, 2022, through an agreement between the Madrid City Council and the Polytechnic University of Madrid, funded by the Business Forum for Madrid. This event on November 18th is organized to introduce the capabilities of the Laboratory to the companies of the […]


Madrid City Council Awarded for its Smart City Project

28 September, 2023 The Madrid City Council has won the “Silver Seoul Smart City” award in the “Technological Innovation Project” category for the project “Madrid Data-Based, City Intelligence”. This award is granted by the World Organization of Sustainable and Smart Cities. Fernando de Pablo, general director of the Digital Office of the Madrid City Council, […]

Inauguración Laboratorio IoT

Inauguration of the IoT Laboratory of the City of Madrid 

13 March, 2023 The Madrid City Council inaugurates today the Internet of Things Laboratory of the City of Madrid, IoTMADLAB, a result of the collaboration agreement signed with the Polytechnic University of Madrid and funded by the Business Forum for Madrid. This initiative is part of the Madrid Digital Capital transformation strategy presented by the […]
